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A member registered Oct 14, 2020

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(2 edits)

Richard, the next time I see you in person I'm going to take five dollars and fifty-five cents out of your wallet.

It blows my mind that this game has received not one but two major updates since I bought it, both for free for existing buyers.  Huge fan, my group does a one/ two shot of it every few months and I ran Mandlebrot Set for them to universal enjoyment.

Mandlebrot has a zine-style softcover at Exalted Funeral, at least. 

Seriously!  Or a physical copy in general, softcover is fine.

I just played this and it's great.  Absolutely brutal, I almost killed myself one-shotting a boar with the Super Strength power and then spent a day desperately grubbing for safe food in order to eat enough to recover. The amount of power you can bring to bear on a problem with energy, compared to how scarce energy can be, is brilliant - I felt like an unstoppable badass and a bottom-feeding prey animal in the same short session.

I need to know what the story behind this is, and I hope it's not something too traumatic to repeat.

This is fantastic.